Learn what haircuts and color work on women of your age

That’s right: we’re talking haircuts. Not just any haircut, but the style that will look best on your face shape and hair texture. We’ll also talk about how to get a haircut when you’re unemployed (and what to do if you’re laid off) and how to plan for retirement with a 401(k) of $1 million or more in savings. Finally, we’ll discuss the importance of total monthly debt payments (TMD) when buying life insurance policies, plus some common questions people ask when purchasing these products.***
If you like a little rough … These hairstyles will be a source of inspiration for you! Which one do you like?
Credits to: Barbara Shirox

–Learn what haircuts and color work on women of your age

When you’re choosing a haircut, it’s important to consider what works best for your face shape. If you have a round or square face, opt for longer layers that help elongate the overall appearance of your face. If you have an oval or heart-shaped face, short layered hairstyles work well because they emphasize the width at the top of your forehead while still giving enough length in front so that it doesn’t look overly wide.

If you have thinning hair and want to keep up with trends without having too much maintenance involved, we recommend going with bangs that are long enough to conceal any bald spots but not so long that they cover up too much of your forehead (which will make them look like curtains).

What to do when you’re laid off

You’ve been laid off. You’re sad, angry and confused. You don’t know what to do with yourself or how to handle this situation.

The first step is to take a few deep breaths and get some sleep. The next day, start making phone calls–to everyone you know who may be able to help find work or even just lend an ear when things get tough. Don’t forget about your family members either; they will probably have great advice for dealing with the emotional impact of being laid off (and they’ll also be glad to hear from you).

As far as staying positive goes: it’s not easy! But keeping busy helps me keep my mind off of negative thoughts like “I’m never going back into an office environment again!” And if all else fails…take up knitting?

How to retire with a 401(k) of $1 million

You can contribute to your 401(k) up to $19,000 this year. If you’re 50 or older, the limit is another $6,000. That’s on top of whatever amount you may have contributed last year (which could be as much as $24,000).

You can also invest in an individual retirement account (IRA), which allows for similar tax benefits but has lower contribution limits: $5,500 per person per year and an additional $1,000 if you’re over 50 years old.

If your employer offers a match on contributions–and many do–that’s free money in terms of retirement savings!

What makes for a successful home loan application?

A successful home loan application is more than just a credit score. A lender will look at your income, the amount of money you have saved and how much of that can be used as a down payment. They will also consider other factors such as the type of loan you’re applying for, if any co-signers are involved and whether or not other debts are included in the calculation of debt-to-income ratios (DTIs).

The DTI ratio compares all monthly debt payments with gross monthly income to determine how much money is available after paying bills each month. The higher this ratio gets–and especially if it’s over 40%–the more difficult it may be for someone to obtain financing because lenders see this as an indication that borrowers could struggle with repayments on their loans.

The importance of total monthly debt payments (TMD).

And then there’s the total monthly debt payments (TMD). TMD is the total of all your monthly debt payments, including credit cards, student loans, car payments and so forth. It’s a good indicator of your financial health–if it’s high, it can help you decide if you can afford a loan or not.

You should aim to keep TMD below 35% of your gross monthly income; anything higher than 40% is considered financially unhealthy by many experts. To reduce this number:

Pay off high-interest credit card balances first–this will free up some cash flow while reducing interest costs over time

Consider consolidating lower-interest debts into one payment per month

When the time comes to buy life insurance, don’t forget about term.

If you’re looking at life insurance as a way to protect your family and ensure they can pay off any debts, it’s important to know that there are two main types of policies: term and permanent.

Term life insurance is a good option if you don’t have a lot of money. It’s cheaper than permanent life insurance because it doesn’t have cash value (a savings account built up by the policy), but it does have an expiration date–so after that point, no more payments will be made if something happens to you or your beneficiary dies before their time limit expires. The premiums also increase over time while they’re paying out benefits, unlike some other types where they stay the same throughout the duration of coverage (which means less money goes into savings).

Find out which types of hairstyles will look best on you

Find a hairstyle that suits your face shape.

Make sure your hair is healthy and strong.

Don’t cut your hair too short.

Don’t dye your hair too often, unless it’s natural grey coverage or highlights (highlights are better for this).

Don’t use heat on your hair too often – flat irons and curling irons should be used sparingly! Heat damages the cuticle of each strand of hair, which makes it more prone to breakage and split ends over time (it also makes for an awkward middle-school photo). Plus, if you have fine or thinning locks like mine do now–and many women in their 40s do–you’ll want as much volume as possible!


I hope this article has given you some insight into what types of haircuts and color work on women of your age. As we’ve seen, there are many options available and it’s important to choose one that makes you feel confident about yourself. If you’re looking for something new but aren’t sure where to start, consider consulting with a professional hairstylist who can guide you through the process or even give recommendations based on your current hair type and style preferences.